
002. If You Know the Beginning Well, the End Will Not Trouble You

So, how did we get to world-building?

Good Morning World-Builders! This is a new column-podcast thing I’m exploring. Join me as I travel internationally and through time on a mission to find my world-building kin. Thanks for being here <3

Embodied World-Building is the grounding methodology at Common Healing. The intention behind our group trips isn’t to simply travel for leisure. Our travel is for the cultivation of an interconnected web of cultural works who desire aligned kinfolk to raise the future with. These trips allow us to practice intentional living — before we get the land and start the cooperative town together :P

Today’s episode, goes back to the 90s to revisit my original world-building tendencies.

You can read more about the Common Healing Origin Story here.

Auntie Ellie and Analise in Massachusetts in 1995